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  • Colsterworth Music Festival

    Fri 28 Feb 2020

    Our children in Key Stage 2 had another successful year at the Colsterworth Music Festival.

    Our amazing Ukueles came first in their category and our gorgeous Key Stage 2 choir came second with their beautiful performance of 'Sing' by Take That and 'Jungle Rhythm' from the Jungle Book. As always their God given talents shone through and the judge noted their clear diction, smiling faces and impressive use of movement. 


    Our Year 3 pupils sang 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley and 'Raise your Voice', also claiming second place. Their enthusiasm shone throughout the whole performance. 


    As always we were so proud of our children and their commitment. It really is magical to see them take such pride in these events. Also thank you to our parents and carers for your ongoing support. 



  • Meet our Golden Book children for this week

    Mon 24 Feb 2020
    Congratulations to our Golden Book winners this week.
  • Safer Internet Day 2020

    Wed 12 Feb 2020 Louise Jordan

    This year the theme was based on online identity. It was important for us to learn about being our ‘true selves’ online whilst also being safe. KS1 and KS2 had separate Collective Worships and then completed different activities back in classrooms. We were also very lucky as we had One Day Creative in to lead workshops to all children across school. KS1’s theme was ‘Cyber Heroes’ and KS2’s theme was ‘Cyber Bullying’.


    KS1 enjoyed a poem all about the amazing things we can do online, how all of us are unique and different and a re-cap on why we don’t put any of our personal information online.

    Below is the poem from our Worship.


    This is Me!

    The internet’s a super place,

    To play, to learn, to chat.

    A space for us to be ourselves,

    So let’s remember that.


    Need a book? Well search no more.

    Pop one on your device.

    Sit down, relax and snuggle up,

    Doesn’t that sound nice!


    Feeling glum? A little tired?

    To take away your gloom…

    Just listen to your favourite tunes,

    And bop around the room!


    A question’s buzzing in your head,

    Can gorillas doodle?

    Oh wow. It seems the answer’s yes.

    You found out thanks to Google!


    You’re off on hols, the drive is long,

    To pass away the hours.

    You watch a film about a bull,

    Who loved to smell the flowers.


    Your cousins live across the world,

    A thousand miles away.

    Bu thanks to WiFi, face to face.

    You see them every day!


    It’s your birthday, lucky you!

    Your cake is just sublime.

    You take a pic to show your gran,

    And share with her online.


    But wait, there’s more you can do.

    Buy tickets, gifts or food.

    New clothes are a click away,

    To look the awesome dude!


    It’s great to share your favourite things,

    With friends across the nation.

    But keep offline, and just for you,

    Your personal information.


    If you’re online and feeling sad,

    Worried or upset.

    Tell a grown-up straight away,

    It’s the best help you can get!


    No two people are alike,

    Even if you’re twins.

    Be yourself and keep in mind,

    That kindness always wins.


    There’s just one you and you are FAB.

    I think that you’ll agree.

    Express yourself and make some noise.


    Jump up, shout…



    During the KS2 Collective Worship, we talked to someone new in the hall and learnt 3 things about them. Some children shared what they had learnt about their partners and we discussed how this makes us different, unique and is all part of our identity. We moved onto talk about how what we do online forms part of our identity too. We were asked questions such as ‘Have you ever used a filter online?’ and ‘Have you ever created or chosen an avatar or character?’ KS2 children were shown a profile of someone and we discussed how it was safe because it did not give away any personal information.



    Max and Sofia (our Year 5 and 6 e-cadets) shared a prayer they wrote with Miss Bergmann.


    Dear God,

    Thank you for the wonderful things that the internet brings. We are thankful that each one of us is different and this creates our own unique identity. 

    Help us to be kind online and have the courage to speak out against unkindness if we ever need to. Help us to work towards creating a truly inclusive internet, where everyone can be themselves but be safe whilst doing it.


  • Our Golden Book winners!

    Mon 10 Feb 2020
    Well done and congratulations to our Golden book children this week.
  • Students make a splash at Rotary Swimarathon

    Sat 08 Feb 2020

    Thirteen Year 5 and 6 pupils took to the pool today, supported by Mrs Bevan and Miss Rogers, to take part in 31st Anniversary Rotary Swimarathon at the Grantham meres Leisure Centre.


    They swam alongside other groups from the town to raise money for the local community. 

  • A Champion in our Midst

    Fri 07 Feb 2020

    Well done to Year 6 pupil James who has really put his God given talent for swimming to good use this week by becoming County Champion in the 100m Butterfly for his age group.


    James will be competing again this weekend and we wish him the best of luck as he goes for another title. 





  • Acknowledging our Outstanding 'Agents of Change'

    Fri 07 Feb 2020

    Here at Colsterworth C of E Primary School we endeavour to empower our children and staff to make a difference in our school, our community and out in the world. There are many reasons why our children and staff are 'Agents of Change' and we celebrate each and every one of their efforts and roles in making our school a safe and engaging place to work and learn for all.


    Some of our children go above and beyond to help others and have been awarded the 'Agent of Change' star.


    At Christmas time, Rhys (Y6) organised a Foodbank collection by writing to Reverend Neil and setting it up in school. His appeal collected 78kg of food which was distributed to over 40 families over the Christmas period. 


    Alfie (Y4) lives and breathes our school ethos and makes a difference to the lives of his friends, classmates and our school community on a daily basis by ensuring that we remember to follow our Christian Values, our 3 Rs and reminding us to 'Fly like the Geese'.


    Both boys really are 'Superstar Agents of Change' and we thank them for really having the Colsterworth WOW Factor.

  • Nightingale fly 'Into the Unknown'

    Tue 04 Feb 2020

    Nightingale shot off Into the Unknown for their wonderful class assembly. The parents/carers had to decide which explorer they thought was the most courageous and they had paddles to vote at the end. The children used their learning to re-tell the lives of Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus and parents/carers chose Neil Armstrong as the bravest explorer. Niomi and Lewis read a lovely prayer at the end about having courage to follow your dreams and the perseverance to carry on. We finished by singing A Million Dreams as we know these children are going to grow up to do something amazing in this world and be agents of change! 

  • Faraday's Take Care Homework

    Mon 03 Feb 2020
    This term we have been learning all about 'Fairy Tales.' As part of our homework challenges we were set the task to create our own Fairy tale character puppet or edible setting. Here are some great examples of our work.