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Helping Your Child at Home

Take Care Homework 


Each term our children are provided with a 'palette of choice' for their homework. This consists of a series of tasks, closely matched to their engaging topics that involve a broad range of skills and link to their learning for the term.

Children are then able to choose any number of the tasks to complete throughout the term as homework.  This is then brought into school to share with their class in the last week. The children showcase their learning so that others can celebrate their hard work and teachers can provide children with meaningful feedback. 


The most important benefit of helping your child is that it shows how much you value education. Parents and carers are often keen to support sporting activities and hobbies, but less confident to support academic progress. At Colsterworth we aim to break down any barriers to supporting your child.



Guidelines for success

  • Find out things they are interested in and explore it further.
  • Learning at home should be fun. Make it short and where you can, turn it into a game.
  • Ensure they have done their homework to the best of their ability.
  • Do not accept work from them that you know is below the standard they are capable of.
  • Read with them and ask questions about the books they read.
  • Limit other distractions, particularly computer time.

