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Year 3 & 4 - Toucans

Welcome to Toucans Class



We are a mixed Year 3 & 4 class and our teacher is Miss Taylor. Mrs Cornish is our classroom assistant.


All of our children are welcomed in via the main gate between 8:45 and 8:55am. 


Lunch - we can choose to have packed or cooked lunches but this year most of us are enjoying the tasty new meals. We eat these together in the hall at 12:15pm.


At the end of the day, our teacher and our classroom assistants make sure we go home safely. Mums, Dads and carers can collect us from the side path.


Is it the West End? No! It’s Toucans showcasing their incredible class assembly all about everything they learnt about Pre-History. Miss Taylor is so proud of the amazing courage, dedication and teamwork shown which resulted in a fabulous performance




Toucans have been showcasing their Art Smart skills this week. Working as part of their sculpture focus, they designed, sculpted and painted a sea/water scene using clay. You can see the amount of detail and care that went into making the

Oliver Burden, a Year 4 Toucan, has completed an exceptional take care piece of homework. He has used over three hours of his own time to paint, write and research. It’s that good, Woodpeckers have asked to borrow it to help with their learning about mountains. Oliver should be very proud of himself. Thank you for making people smile with your amazing work. 


To help them get ready to write a set of Egyptian mummification instructions, Toucans had great fun practicing their own mummification skills… on a tomato! We followed the steps carefully and hopefully by next week, the tomato will be ready for embalming. Miss Taylor was very impressed with the range of vocabulary the children thought of for their word bank. 

As the fantastic finale to our ‘That’s Not My Mummy’ topic, we made the traditional Egyptian dish of mahshi (stuffed peppers). Whilst the preparing and cooking was happening, Ancient Egyptian masks were made. Miss Taylor and Mrs Cornish were blown away with the sensible and mature attitudes shown by all of the terrific Toucans. 

Another term over and another pallet of choice which means lots of fantastic take care homework! Below you can see some amazing canopic jars- very Art smart. Look out for the next pallet of choice next term. 


We have created some beautiful Ancient Egyptian collar necklaces using our art smart skills. Can you tell the main resource we used to make them? You guessed it, pasta! Miss Taylor cannot wait to put them on the ‘That’s not my mummy!’ display.

Miss Taylor was blown away by the amount of Take care homework that has been handed in this term. The photos you can see below isn’t even all of it! A big thank you to parents and carers for their help and support too. Keep a look out for the next pallet of choice in the first week of next term. 
