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PE Curriculum

At Colsterworth CE Primary we believe all young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. We value the positive experience that sport and physical activity provides our children from a young age. We aim to use our PE teaching to build a lifetime habit of participation and benefit our children's physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing. Through a varied and progressive curriculum we want to provide all children with an opportunity to discover their own SMART within physical activity and develop a love and enjoyment of being active. 

Follow the Healthy Happy Active link to see our page full of ideas to keep you healthy, happy and active! 
To embed the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyles for all, and promote it daily across our school our school staff are supported by a strong pupil voice in the form of our young sports leaders. 

Young Sports Leaders

Through a combination of promoting the values of #Healthy, Happy Active and encouraging increased physical activity the Young Sports Leaders have a vital role to play in inspiring those around them. 

Playground Leaders

Talented Athlete Programme

In order to further enhance the provision we provide for our Able and Talented 'Body SMART' pupils we work closely alongside the sports charity Inspire+ allowing our pupils to access the 'Talented Athlete Programme', led by Olympic and Paralympic athletes Sophie Allen and Sam Ruddock. 

Outdoor and Adventurous Activity

As part of our commitment to enhancing our PE curriculum we provide all children within Key Stage 2 with the opportunity to experience outdoor and adventurous activities first hand as part of a residential trip to PGL. 


Central to our PE curriculum at Colsterworth is our dedication to swimming and water safety. Our desire to ensure all children gain this vital life skill leads to the children accessing this provision from Year 1 onwards. 
