Inclusion and equal opportunities are a strength at Colsterworth C of E Primary School. Pupils and staff are very welcoming towards all children regardless of difference of any kind. We pride ourselves on the inclusiveness of our curriculum and although our building does not always lend itself easily to meeting some needs, we work with parents and pupils to ensure that we adapt and provide for all needs as well as we can.
If parents or carers have any concerns about thier child's general well-being or specific needs, we encourage them to talk to us. Where specific needs are already known before a child enters school, we also encourage early communication from parents, carers, pre-school providers and any health agencies involved in their care to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
Details of our school's Local Offer for pupils with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), the Inclusion and Admission Policies and the Accessibility Plan can be found via the links below.
For queries please ask to speak to our school SENCO, Mrs Louise Jordan.