At Colsterworth Church of England Primary School, we provide a safe and stimulating environment where all can flourish as children of God. Core Christian values permeate all aspects of school life and the children live out these values in all that they do. Each term has a different Christian Value as a focus, the children and staff take great pride in demonstrating how they are able to live out this value.
We are a community in which everyone is offered the opportunity to fulfil their full potential, to understand themselves and be valued for who they are. Through a stimulating and challenging learning environment, we pursue academic excellence and seek the flourishing of all. This is because we know we are all God’s children.
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.” John Wesley
Collective Worship takes place daily and contributes significantly towards children's spiritual development. Spirituality is valued and scope for reflection is provided both within the RE curriculum and throughout the school. This deepens the children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).
We have close links with our own village church whilst also visiting and learning about festivals of other faiths and religions. We visit St John The Baptist Church to celebrate Christian festivals.
Our Christian Values are:
Creation and Respect & Reverence
Friendship and Peace
Perseverance and Courage
Forgiveness and Compassion
Trust and Hope
Thankfulness and Humility
Collective Worship
What does Collective Worship mean to us?
Within our school we believe that Collective Worship is a highly valued part of the school day in which the whole school community comes together in a ‘time to breathe’. Just as breathing is vitally important to life itself, we believe Collective Worship is as important to us as it gives all of us opportunities to offer and interact with worship to God in a diverse and age-appropriate way.
Our Collective Worship aims to inclusive, invitational and inspiring to all.
We use acts of Collective Worship, Religious Education, our Christian Values, the 3 Rs ethos, British Values, the SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) programme and UNICEF across the school to enhance our SMSC development.
Collective Worship takes place daily in many forms and contributes significantly towards our children’s spiritual development. We understand that time for reflection during Collective Worship and at other times during the day is an essential part of developing our children’s spiritual, moral, social, and cultural (SMSC) awareness.
Our Collective Worship Council hold an important role in our school. Made up from a child in each year group throughout the school their main aims are:
Please read our most recent Newsletters to find out about all the fabulous things we do!
During Collective Worship, we ask those children and staff who are happy to share their thoughts, feelings and responses to a Reflection Question to record their ideas on our Padlets. These Reflection Questions are a fantastic way for all members of the school community to share their ideas and feelings. In fact, sharing our responses in this way often creates opportunities for classes to discuss pertinent issues, recap their learning, air their concerns and voice opinions that there wouldn’t normally be time for.
Please click on the link below to view a selection of these Padlets.
We believe that spirituality is thinking and feeling about yourself, others, the world and beyond...
Reflection Areas
We live in an increasingly busy and demanding world. Nearly everywhere we go we are bombarded by noise. When we do encounter the opportunity for quiet we often find it challenging, or uncomfortable. Sometimes we overlook the benefits of quietness. When God met Elijah, he did not speak through the strong wind, the earthquake or the fire, but in the gentle breeze (1 Kings 19 1-13). Jesus showed us the importance of retreating from the busyness of the world. In Mark 1:35, we read about Jesus getting up early in the morning and going to find a place where he could pray alone. Perhaps helping our children to meet with God in silence may be one of the most enduring gifts we can give them.
Each classroom has a Christian Reflection Area which is changed and added to regularly, for example, following whole school Collective Worship or other odd times in the day when incidents and discussions have linked to the current Value or Reflection Question. They are a place where the children can come and ponder, reflect and pray. The areas have a key Bible verse and cross as their focal point, and they often include other artefacts, pictures and verses to engage the children in thought and prayer. They usually follow the same theme as the Collective Worship to enable the children to deepen their understanding and thoughts behind each Christian message.
Collective Worship Council Newsletters
Please click on the link below to read our Collective Worship and Christian Values Newsletters.