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Year 2 Reading Workshop

What a fantastic turn out to the Reading Workshops! Year 2 parents/carers were invited to come along to the workshop with their child to complete some reading activities together.


The parents/carers heard all about Year 2 expectations, how to help at home with early readers, developing readers and advanced readers. Miss Bergmann introduced the ‘reading dogs’ which is a tool we use across school to support children with their comprehension skills. We began by comprehending a video called Excitable Edgar, a short piece of poetry and then a longer piece of text about the Isle of Coll, which is linked to our Geography work. Parents/carers and children completed these activities together. We also used a fluency chart to see how children’s pace, smoothness and tone were during reading their banded book. The children thoroughly enjoyed having a grown up in school to do some work together and are looking forward to completing some take care homework together. Each parent/carer received a personalised pack including a reading dogs bookmark, an up to date phonics and common exception word assessment, their first week’s homework and the accompanying rhymes with each RWI sound we learn.