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Sensational Celebration of Harvest

Today saw the return of our Harvest Festival in church. Children from Year 1 to 6 worked hard to showcase their God Given Talents in order to share the meaning of harvest with friends and family. It was a joy to celebrate in a variety of new and exciting ways which embodied our Christian Value of Creativity.

Goldfinch Class wowed us with their performance and amazing artwork to show the harvest rainbow.

The Toucans used their music lessons to provide us with an insight into harvest in Africa by playing a call and response on the djembe drums.

Teal Class performed a harvest rap which included lines from a traditional harvest song but gave it a modern twist while the Hummingbirds spoke with confidence and flare using the letters from the word Harvest to remind us that it is a fantastic time to share with others.

Collective Worship representative Florence said "We donate food to help others because harvest is a time for sharing. In church we shared things other than food including our God Given Talents."

We also asked our parents and carers to reflect on our Harvest worship. You can see a couple of their responses below along with the phenomenal amount of food which was donated by our families this year.
