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Eco Warriors striving for success!

Our newly appointed Eco Warriors held their first Eco meeting today with Miss Worrall and Mrs Nichols. The team began by discussing the steps they will be following in order to achieve their Bronze Eco award and subsequently the Silver and Green Flag awards.

Their first step was to complete an environmental review to find out what things we are doing well as a school and things we could be doing better. The review covered all 10 Eco School topics including Energy, Waste, Litter, Water, Biodiversity, Marine, School Grounds, Healthy Living, Biodiversity and Transport. All the children were enthusiastic and had many ideas of how we could make the school more Eco friendly. They decided to focus on two topics, Energy and Waste. 

After completing the review, the children were set the challenge of creating an Eco Code to help remind children and staff around school to make a difference. Keep an eye out for the Eco Code posters around school over the next couple of weeks! We can wait to see what difference the Eco Warriors are going to make.
