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Computing and E-safety Workshop

We held a parent/carer workshop this evening about Computing and E-Safety. It detailed everything we have done this year linked to E-Safety such as launching the mini e-cadets and e-cadets, celebrating Safer Internet Day, launching a whole school poster competition and having ‘One Day Creative’ in school leading interactive and fun sessions about e-safety.

First of all, we went through useful websites that parents/carers could go to if they needed any support about online safety. After that, the Key Stage One and Reception children shared an e-safety story with their grown up and Key Stage Two children shared some e-safety poetry together. This was brilliant to showcase to parents/carers that learning about how to stay safe online can be done in a fun and safe way.

After that, we looked at some aspects of Computing. We are really lucky at Colsterworth that we have forty-five iPads to enhance our learning in the curriculum. We looked at apps such as ScratchJr, A.L.E.X, LightBot, BeeBot and BlueBot. These are all programming apps and together we learnt how to do some basic coding and programming. The children were awesome at showing their grownups how to use them!

Finally, the children got to their show parent/carer their books! The children explained how they use the iPads to enhance their learning and parents/carers enjoyed scanning QR codes so they could watch their children live in action in lessons!