What a shock we had this morning when we walked in to find that all of our chairs had gone on strike! Our hardworking furniture had had enough - they were unwilling to fulfill their role and provide support for us any longer.
Their arguments included being swung on, drawn on, being made grimy by food and dirty fingers and even being subjected to the unsanitary smells and vibrations caused by us, their prime users.
We thought long and hard about what we could do to convince the chairs to come back and decided that the only way was to write them a letter persuading them to return to work.
All of our pupils had a go, from the very youngest in EYFS to our Year 6 VIPs. We offered to clean them, push them in when we leave the classroom and to not swing on them as they much prefer to be on all four legs than only on one!
With much persuasion and heart-felt promises, eventually the chairs agreed to work for us again. Hopefully, we have done enough to prevent this from happening again!