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Collaborative Working as a UNICEF Rights Respecting Trust

Our hardworking UNICEF Equality Ambassadors once again joined Bourne Abbey and Bourne Elsea Park Academies to celebrate the work they have been doing with the Just Lincolnshire programme on The Equality Act.  Led by an expert practitioner from the Just Lincolnshire charity working in conjunction with the YMCA, the ambassadors enjoyed a workshop, learning about the reasons behind The Equality Act along with the Protected Characteristics.   Taking part in hands on activities to experience what is like to face challenges such as living with a disability, disadvantage or prejudice, the ambassadors were more able to understand the importance of why these characteristics should be protected by law, especially where Hate Crime is involved. The ambassadors joined in some invaluable discussions regarding the danger of stereotypes and how important respect and British Values are to ensure inclusion for everyone. Being part of a UNICEF Rights Respecting Trust, the ambassadors already have a strong connection and understanding of UNCRC Article 2 where ‘Every Child has equal rights regardless of their race, gender, ability and whatever they think or say or whatever their family’, an article central to the work of the Just Lincolnshire charity.  As part of their role in school, the ambassadors will now deliver this important message through a presentation to their school followed by further group lessons from the online learning platform, Just Learn, where they will explore the Protected Characteristics further within the Eight Stories of Strength. They will also continue to feed their experiences into the Peer Mediator schemes and their work for the Unicef Convention on the Rights of the Child, both of which were praised by the representatives of the Just Lincolnshire programme.  All of the Ambassadors involved gratefully received Just Lincs certificates, lanyards and pencils.  Well done to the children and thanks to the Just Lincolnshire team for invaluable teaching.  Sarah Croxall, UNICEF and Student Council Leader from Colsterworth said, ‘It is a privilege to be involved in this initiative.  Our children know they are ‘Agents of Change’ and have the potential to make a positive difference in the world.’ 
